The SBM Fund

Founded in 2016, the SBM fund program has been designed to mimic the inner workings of a buy-side investment management firm. We offer students interested in finance a real-world learning opportunity by running virtual-money investment funds to bridge the gap between theory and practice. We believe that engaging and empowering students to grow their own portfolios helps them develop technical skills and knowledge to succeed in money markets and become the next generation of investors.


Our team emphasizes on building a collaborative community where teamwork is essential, fostering camaraderie and friendships among our members that last beyond the duration of their time at SBM.

Job Recruitment Prep

Through active participation, you are getting well prepared for careers in equity research or asset management, by offering marketable skills which are sought after by potential employers and are applicable across various fields in finance.

Continuous Learning

Whether you are a longtime member or just getting started on your finance journey, whether in your private investing or later finance profession. Our approach to investing acknowledges the importance of learning from both mistakes and victories!


For anyone who enjoys learning-by-doing in a less structured setting than classrooms, we offer the opportunity to receive mentoring by senior members in topics such as building a financial model, constructing a compelling investment pitch, or analyzing an industry.

Learning Pillars

Fundamental Research

We help our analysts to identify undervalued companies with a positive outlook based on public data. Part of their comprehensive due diligence represents in-depth analysis of economic conditions, industry dynamics, and company strategies and financials to generate contrarian investment ideas.

Financial Modeling

You will learn the fundamentals of financial analysis and enhance your analytical acumen by using proprietary financial models built by our team. The acquired technical skills will also elevate your prospects in securing graduate employment across various domains.


Advanced Presentations

Over time, you will develop expertise in crafting succinct investment proposals and effectively articulating your investments ideas during club meetings, to convince fund managers and attendees to follow your recommendation. The audience typically asks questions and gives valuable feedback on your deliverables.

Portfolio Management

Gain hands-on experience in active fund management by testing your investment strategies in the market and by rebalancing and monitoring your current positions within the portfolios, while earning returns in excess of a selected benchmark by following a disciplined, long-term approach to security selection. 

Fundamental Research

We help our analysts to identify undervalued companies with a positive outlook based on public data. Part of their comprehensive due diligence represents in-depth analysis of economic conditions, industry dynamics, and company strategies and financials to generate contrarian investment ideas.

Financial Modeling

You will learn the fundamentals of financial analysis and enhance your analytical acumen by using proprietary financial models built by our team. The acquired technical skills will also elevate your prospects in securing graduate employment across various finance domains.

Advanced Presentations

Over time, you will develop expertise in crafting succinct investment proposals and effectively articulating your investments ideas during club meetings, to convince fund managers and attendees to follow your recommendation. The audience typically asks questions and gives valuable feedback on your deliverables.

Portfolio Management

Gain hands-on experience in active fund management by testing your investment strategies in the market and by rebalancing and monitoring your current positions within the portfolios, while earning returns in excess of a selected benchmark by following a disciplined, long-term approach to security selection. 

Upcoming Competitions

Following our maxim of “learning by doing”, students get the opportunity to work together and partake in competitions, from the SBM-hosted stock pitch challenge to global contests. Every term, analysts can prepare compelling pitches and showcase their stock-picking skills in front of a panel of judges within our low-pressure environment of the fund for training purposes. In constructive dialogues, the volunteer experts provide detailed feedback to the presenters for them to further refine their ideas. 

BVH Stock Pitch CompetitionRegistration Deadline: 20.09.20241729238400 October 18, 2024
McGill International Portfolio ChallengeRegistration Deadline:13.09.20241731056400 November 8, 2024
Global Sustainability Supply Chain Student CompetitionRegistration Deadline:29.09.20241731315600 November 11, 2024
Global Portfolio Competition (Global Asset Mgmt. Educ. Forum)Registration Deadline:tba1743667200 April 3, 2025