In 2010, a group of dedicated, pioneering students got together to cast their passion into a form: A community poised to explore the world of production, logistics and operations research. X-PLOR was born! Reaching beyond academic excellence, the students of X-PLOR travelled the country looking to broaden their knowledge in practice. Alas, the covid pandemic nearly put an abrupt end to this great organization. SBM, a group of similarly passionate students, who appreciate an explorers mindset and entrepreneurial spirit is committed to revive this proud tradition and make X-PLOR the great hub of discoverers it always was!
Discover the professional world in excursions to breath taking logistics hubs, staggering production sites and innovative business operations. Hello Fresh, Porsche, Hermes BMW… The list of interesting companies out there is sheer endless!
Prep yourself for the next step! There is a life after studies, and it awaits you with lots of exciting opportunities! Be noticed by recruiters, exchange with influential businessmen and network with peers and professionals from across Germany.
Looking to complement your studies with practical experience? Test your knowledge in workshops, discussion hubs and case studies and build your skills with likeminded students and professors. Explore the world in a community, that is genuinely passionate about its area of expertise!
X-PLOR is still on its path of recovery, and requires your heart and mind to maintain its momentum. Join a startup-like atmosphere, full of exciting opportunities and challanges. Building on SBMs experience, people and decisionmaking-freedom void of hirarchies stand at the very center of our management culture. Build your soft- and management skills as part of an intercultural, ever-learning team.